September 11, 2019
Introducing Projects

How will you and your colleagues find what they need in a list of hundreds of datasets ?  Of course, you can use the search function, or use tagging to…

September 3, 2019
The 3D Mapping Marketplace

So you’ve been collecting streets for a single purpose, e.g. making an inventory of poles.  But we all know there’s so much to do with that data.  So why not make…

August 7, 2019
What’s new in 19.7

The last year, we’ve released an update to 3D Mapping Cloud once a month.  The most eye-catching innovations have each been covered on a blog page.  But now it’s time…

July 30, 2019
Choose your Base Maps and Terrain
In the previous blog post, we explained the restructuring of the Right-Hand sidebar. However, there's one more option, that only appears when you have multiple choices available and/or the Reference View...
July 24, 2019
The Right-Hand sidebar
Well, not really.  It has been around for a few months, but now it's fully into shape.  So here you have it. The right-hand sidebar shows generic tools for your...
July 10, 2019
Launching the ArcGIS Pro plugin
The 3D Mapping Viewer SDK has come to age and is now implemented for ArcGIS Pro.  You can download it here.  The plugin is available for free and you can use...
May 21, 2019
Introducing Floors for Indoor navigation

When you’re 3D Mapping indoors, your result data will probably cover multiple floors.  To visualize these floors, the 3D Mapping Viewer now dynamically adds a Floor navigator to easily switch…

May 14, 2019
Supporting all Street-level imagery

Mobile mapping systems typically consist of a scanner and a camera, however, many variations exist.  On the camera side, the spherical image is the most popular because of its easy…

May 6, 2019
Cool 3D Views with Point Cloud shading

Ever considered that LiDAR and point cloud viewing is not so easy to read ?  At Orbit GT we’ve introduced a range of tweaking parameters to help you select the best…

April 29, 2019
Launching the QGIS Plugin
Upon popular request, we're pleased to launch the Orbit 3D Mapping Viewer for QGIS plugin.   Watch the movie : All features of 3D Mapping Cloud now become instantly available in QGIS :...
April 19, 2019
Introducing the ArcOnline Widget
Yes! You can now download the free widget for ArcOnline web apps.    Want a quick overview : here's a movie : All features of 3D Mapping Cloud now become...
April 8, 2019
Introducing Hybrid Resources

Here’s another great feature : Hybrid Resources. So what are they ? Hybrid Resources are declared in 3D Mapping Cloud but the data is stored in a different environment, e.g. Orbit GT’s…

March 22, 2019
Annotate with 3D Models

Introducing 3D Models in Annotations ! Upload your 3D Models using the Console, and instantly make them available in the Annotations sidebar for every user.  You can categorise the 3D…

March 4, 2019
New User Roles added

Since launch, 3D Mapping Cloud provided several User Roles to specify a Named User’s capabilities.  Most important are : 1. The Owner : This is the person who has control…

February 25, 2019
Share Annotations in Bookmarks

Bookmarks are a cool way to share your setup of data ad-hoc with a co-worker, customer or contractor or any other person without having the need for them to log…

February 18, 2019
Orientation Posted on each View

A small but useful extra, we thought. So now you can post the viewing direction on each view. Typically a viewing direction is indicated by a north arrow or compass…

February 11, 2019
Introducing Textured Mesh support

Yeah, there it is !  Next to unlimited size point clouds, 3D Mapping Cloud now supports unlimited textured meshes.  Even Combined. Just use our standard upload tools, and you’re done. …

January 14, 2019
Introducing Professional Measurements Settings

So, you want to make measurements.  Well of course.  But how do you know you are correct ? Let’s introduce you to the way we address measurement techniques at Orbit…

September 10, 2018
Introducing the Fly sidebar

Hold the press !  Introducing fly-through in streaming 3D mode ! In the latest 3D Mapping Cloud update, we introduced a fly-through functionality, and the option to save it. Open…

September 4, 2018
Making Snapshots

Of course you can make a quick screenshot to create a copy of your viewer to past in a document.  But sometimes, it is more desirable to create a clean…

August 20, 2018
ArcOnline widget released

A while ago, we released the 3D Mapping Viewer SDK, with API’s in .Net and JS.  Next, any developer can now register online, and get access to this SDK right away…

June 25, 2018
Providing Additional Layouts

Viewer Screen Layouts have been available for a while.  Now we’ve added a couple of new options. Coolest of the bunch is a 4-tiled layout, each with independent views.  So…

June 18, 2018
Searching Vector Objects

Great !  Now you can load any vector resource and search for any object using any attribute value.  And then move your view(s) to that object, obviously. We call it…

June 11, 2018
Cool Presentations using Backdrops

Wow !  Now that’s pretty cool. Now you can add a Backdrop to your 3D view, making it look like a real world view.  We’ve selected a variety of backdrops,…

June 8, 2018
What’s new – June 2018

Here’s what’s new in the June 1st release of 3D Mapping Cloud. Introducing the Single User account.  Now, for less than $50/month, you can use all of 3D Mapping Cloud’s capabilities….

June 7, 2018
Launching a Free Upload tool for 3D Mapping Cloud

Well, haven’t you all been waiting for this ?  Feels like Santa Claus bringing the best summer gift you can imagine. As 3D Mapping content, beyond the one point cloud file…

June 6, 2018
Share and Embed your Bookmarks in 1 click

So you got a great view on your data and you wish to share instantly ?  OK, simply create a bookmark (that’s one click and entering a name), then hit…

June 5, 2018
Introducing Guest Users and Free Public Access

Bringing your data to the world.  Now share instantly to guest users, that is, non registered users, and no sign in required. As a user of 3D Mapping Cloud, you…

June 4, 2018
Launching Major Website Update

Hey everyone !  Welcome to our refreshed website! Since there are so many updates on features and business opportunities, the website needs to follow, isn’t it ? And check out…

June 3, 2018
Introducing the Single User Subscription

Are you surveyor ? Just bought a drone ? Have a small company ? Wishing you had a tool to manage your data and share it with customers ?   Or…

May 28, 2018
Use Your Base Map in 3D

A reference map is indispensable to know your whereabouts when navigation through your 3D realm.  Most of the time, it’s no more than an orthophoto, or a street map.  That’s…

May 21, 2018
Introducing 3D Tags and Annotations

So you want Tags, Redlining, Annotations ?  Search no more !  Introducing the Tags and Annotations sidebar. In 3D obviously. You can place pins, lines, polylines, a free line, areas,…

May 9, 2018
Tune Publications with new Setup parameters

A Publication is the go-to solution to present your 3D Mapping data to the public at large.  So, you might as well make it look perfect. When you create a…

April 23, 2018
Introducing Bookmarks

Ever wanted to save a setup for future use of reference ? Well, now you can with the newly introduced Bookmarks. It works as the word says : it saves a specific…

April 16, 2018
Boost Performance with Recent Measure functions

So we got great measurement tools.  And many.  And you can use them in any view, even jump from one view to another to pick the best view for each…

April 12, 2018
Inspecting Vector Objects

Use the new Inspector sidebar to select and inspect any vector data.  Hit the ‘Select’ button and click on the object to select it.  The selected vector object is highlighted…

April 9, 2018
New Base Map support

A Base Map, or a 2D reference map, has been omnipresent for long.  You may be only interested in the point cloud, or the spherical or oblique image, but showing…

April 2, 2018
Introducing Streaming Point Clouds in 3D Stereo

Still got your blue-and-red glasses ?  Well, 3D Mapping Cloud now displays all 3D content in Stereo.  Streaming from the Cloud. All you need to do is set the visualisation…

March 31, 2018
Power added to Vector Support

No 3D Mapping solution is complete if it doesn’t support traditional GIS/CAD vector data.  So, we do. And we’ve done it for a while, but now we’ve added quite some…

March 26, 2018
Introducing Auto-Play for Spherical Imagery

Ever wanted to scroll through your image library of Outdoor or Indoor Mobile Mapping data ?  Need to find something in an image somewhere but don’t know exactly where to…

March 19, 2018
Now Share Publications with anonymous URL

The Publication is the most powerful way to unleash the powers of 3D data to the world.  One Publication can hold various global coverages of base, maps, state wide terrain…

March 12, 2018
Introducing Usage Statistics

Introducing a Dashboard with statistical information on your use of 3D Mapping Cloud. We think that is important.  The Statistics Dashboard provides insight for the Account Administrator to evaluate the use…

March 2, 2018
What’s New – March 2018

Here’s what’s new in the March 1st release of 3D Mapping Cloud. Auto-Play function for Spherical imagery.  We’ve supported auto play since many years on our desktop portfolio.  Now available…

February 4, 2018
New powerful Point Cloud presentations

Another great improvement in 3D Mapping Cloud : the presentation of Point Clouds. Up to now, you could set a colour ramp and few options.  Now, we’ve added a whole…

February 2, 2018
Attribute Measurements ready for GIS & CAD use

Here’s a great tip. All measurements can be saved and attributed.  You can then download the saved measurements, with the attributes, as a KML file compatible with the vast majority of GIS…

January 31, 2018
Introducing Resource Groups

Here’s a great novel way to organize your data : package a bunch of Resources in a Resource Group and access it as if it were a single set of…

October 26, 2017
What’s New – October 2017

Here’s a quick overview of a long list of improvements and new features currently made available on 3D Mapping Cloud. The HTML5 Viewer now supports Screen Layouts, where a Reference…

October 26, 2017
Using Vector Data

Yes we support vector data : points, lines, area’s.  Similar to your 3D mapping data, you can upload this type of data and it simply appears as another resource in…

October 19, 2017
Screen Layouts and Oblique Imagery

Oblique image viewing has changed.  Instead of a fixed Screen Layout, you can now pick your Screen Layout and combine a Reference Map with a number of Oblique views to your…

October 19, 2017
Using the Reference Map

Reference Map, what’s that ?  Well, in general that’s the traditional 2D map you use to know where you’re at.  It can show any type of basemap, like a street…

October 19, 2017
Fast Navigation Enhancements for Spherical Imagery

Working with spherical imagery has become even more intuitive and faster.  Check it out : loading any image is now blitz fast, even in full screen, full resolution.  How great…

September 18, 2017
Keeping it Simple : Publications !

Now this is really great !  You’ve just learned about Screen Layouts, and now there’s something fabulous you can do with it : Share and Publish it ! Now just…

September 18, 2017
Introducing Screen Layouts

Hey, we’ve got some great news !  We’ve added a new Workspace toolbar to set your screen layout from a single view to multiple views.  On top of that, when…

August 11, 2017
Introducing Blog Updates in the Viewer

Want to be fully up to date with the many updates we post ?  Here’s how you do it. Go to the top right menu and click ‘What’s New’.  A…

August 11, 2017
Multi Language Support

3D Mapping Cloud now supports multiple languages.   Cool isn’t it ? Here’s what you need to do : Choose your personal language in your profile : Console -> My Profile…

August 9, 2017
Console Restyle

With the latest release, we’ve restyled the Console User Interface. It is now much clearer and much better organised, ready to tackle the next challenges.  It’s also better accessible on…

August 8, 2017
Measure in Oblique Imagery

All measurement functions are available for Oblique content as for any other, see Measurement Tools. Especially for Oblique content, there are some extra function provided that are disabled in other…

August 8, 2017
Introducing integrated Aerial Oblique Image viewing

Great news for all aerial surveying companies out there.  From this release on, 3DMC support Oblique images.  By default. And fused with any other resource in one go. In previous…

August 7, 2017
Introducing Coupons

Use a Coupon to help you business partner started. You need or want to share data with a partner that isn’t registered yet ?  Get them a coupon to get…

August 1, 2017
Automatic Workspace Recovery

Hey, this is a cool feature. The viewer now automatically saves your current workspace – that is, all states and settings and resources you currently have on your screen. When…

July 28, 2017
What’s New – July 2017

Here’s a bullet list of all updates to made available today CONCEPTS Support for Oblique Imagery projects Introduction of Coupons Save and Export measurements as Objects Auto-save and recover your…

July 28, 2017
Download Measurements as Objects

You can now Save every measurement and keep them available in your session.  All measurements are saved as KML objects.  Whenever you’re ready, click Export to download all saved measurements…

June 21, 2017
Upload UAS Mapping data

Got UAS/UAV/Drone data ?  Now bring it online and share instantly. The latest version or UAS Mapping (that’s version 17.1.1) is now available from  Data from drones can be…

June 20, 2017
Discover the Sharing capabilities

Did you upload your resources yet ?  Well, now you can share it in seconds.  Share with anyone within your organisation, or with anyone from another organisation – it’s equally…

May 18, 2017
New Measurement Tools

This update comes with a range of new measurement tools.  These tools work in the same way as available in our Desktop and Publisher products. To make it easy for…

May 17, 2017
What’s New – May 2017

Here’s a bullet list of all updates to made available today Enhancements on measurements New measurements for points, lines, Areas, distances and catenaries Insert, Delete and Move measured vertices Copy measurement…

May 9, 2017
Upload Your Data

Todays version is ready to receive your Mobile Mapping resources.  In order to upload, there are 2 possibilities : Use the Mobile Mapping Content Manager. Download version 17.1 or the…

May 4, 2017
Performance Enhancement

The current upgrade includes major performance improvements. When viewing point clouds, the viewer will now better decide which portions to stream from storage.  Also, it will wait for 1 second after…

April 3, 2017
Sign Up Guide

To help you join us, here’s a Sign Up Guide that walks you though the steps to create your account. It is useful to read the FAQ to fully understand…

April 3, 2017
Sample Data

Day 1 of and there’s about 1 TB of data for you to play around with. Here’s a list : Resource Points Images Size (GB) AT Vienna (TLS) by…

April 3, 2017
Getting Started with the Viewer

  To help you get started with the 3D Mapping Cloud viewer, we’ve posted a page that explains how to use the viewer. Just read through the screenshots and you’ll…

March 30, 2017
3D Mapping Cloud launch at SPAR, Houston

Orbit GT will be launching its disruptive 3D Mapping Cloud solution at SPAR, Houston. Orbit GT has been preparing for a cloud based SaaS product for over 2 years.  Being…

February 10, 2017

Today, the website is launched.  For now, you will find a lot of information about this new Orbit GT product. What does it do ?  Who is it for…

February 7, 2017

Orbit GT to announce disruptive 3D Mapping Cloud solution at ILMF, Denver “Orbit GT has been preparing for a cloud based product for over 2 years”, says Peter Bonne, CEO…