Since launch, 3D Mapping Cloud provided several User Roles to specify a Named User’s capabilities.  Most important are :
1. The Owner : This is the person who has control over really everything
2. The Administrator : This person or persons can control all data, users and setup, but not the billing.
3. The Billing agent : This person has control over everything related to the billing of the account (free user)
4. The Named User : This person can use all the data prepared by the Administrator(s)

June 2018 introduced the Guest User, a person that does not need to login to access a prepared view on a specific set of data.  That view is prepared and setup by a Named User or Administrator and shared using a Bookmark or a Publication.

From January 2019 on, Named Users can now have more roles :
1. The Resource Manager : this person can manage anything regarding the Resources, upload, delete, group, and so on.
2. The Sharing Manager : this person can control how and with whom resources are Shared.
3. The Subscription Manager : this person can manage the Subscription.
4. The User Manager : this person can manage users and teams.

Read more on :
About User Roles
About Named Users